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Steven Soderbergh Blogathon, Jan 14,2014- Feb 1,2014

December 10, 2013

Steve Soderbergh has been one of my favorite directors, or maybe it is because I have a soft corner for visual stylists.  Soderbergh’s movies have always been visually brilliant, be it the outer space shots in Solaris, or the muted lighting in Out of Sight  or the epic scale of  a Che.  The long range tracking shots, the close ups, the light and shade effects makes his movies a great watch. And he has been one director who has explored all kinds of  genres  from heist( Out of Sight,  Oceans series) to sci fi( Solaris)  to biopic dramas( Che, Kafka)  to  corporate dramas( The Informant).  And of course not to forget the fact that his Sex, Lies and Videotape in 1989, was one of  the early movies that started the 90’s Indie movement.

So in tribute to the director, we would be hosting a Soderbergh blogathon from January 14,2014 to February 1,2014. And yes we are seeking your active contributions on :

  • Movies directed by Steven Soderbergh as well as those produced by him like Syriana.
  • His collaboration with actors like George Clooney, Matt Damon.
  • Focus on some of his more experimental movies like Schizopolis, Gray’s Anatomy.
  • His directorial style, and the subjects, themes in his movies.

The above is not an exhaustive list, but anything on Soderbergh, would be welcome.  You can share a post that you have written earlier, but giving a link to the blogathon or post it directly. And feel free to mail me at

This  site has successfully hosted blogathons earlier on Ridley Scott, Michael Mann, Tony Scott, Howard Hawks,     Sydney Pollack, Roman Polanski  and Oliver Stone.  So hoping to see an equally good response on the Sydney Pollack Blogathon too.

You can promote the blogathon using one of the clippings below, at your movie blog, and of  course sharing it with other like minded movie lovers.










  1. Reblogged this on It Rains… You Get Wet and commented:
    What I’m looking forward to come 2014 via my colleague Ratnakar. Always great ideas and blogathons from this stellar blogger.

  2. I would love to join this! Soderbergh’s one of my favorites and the chance to look at all of his flicks again is an absolute pleasure of mine.

  3. I’m in. I just bought a couple of Soderbergh films at the last Criterion sale.

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Fred Zinnemann Blogathon-March 14-March 31 | Seetimaar-Diary of a Movie Lover
  2. Mike Nichols(Nov 6, 1931- Nov 19,2014)- A Blogathon Tribute. | Seetimaar-Diary of a Movie Lover
  3. John Frankenheimer Blogathon( Feb 19-March 1, 2015) | Seetimaar-Diary of a Movie Lover

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