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Howard Hawks Blogathon, May 15- May 31,2013

April 23, 2013

Howard Hawks, a name that evokes to me memories of a group of hunters, chasing down a rhino in the wilds of Africa, one of the most epic action scenes ever in movie history.  Hatari  was the first Howard Hawks movie I saw on the big screen, and was fascinated by the scenes of the animal hunts, especially the rhino capture.  And that made me explore some of his earlier movies.

Howard Hawks to me was one of the greats of  Hollywood’s Golden era, a man who directed movies that just about covered all genres. He could switch from zany screwball comedies like His Girl Friday  to Westerns like Rio Bravo to a noir classic like The Big Sleep with ease. He was not a director  you could slot in a specific genre, war, noir, Westerns, big screen adventure, screwball comedies, he just about covered all bases. He was a director who was independent of the studio norms, adding his own style to the genres. To Have and Have Not, was essentially a love story, with a war backdrop, and not many directors could have done justice to the incredibly complex plot of  The Big Sleep, the way Hawks did. He could capture your attention with a hard core pop corn flick like Hatari, which to me is way better even now than the CGI filled summer blockbusters.

The blogathon would be dedicated to Howard Hawks,  from May 15- May 31, tentatively, this may be extended depending on the response.  What I am looking for are essentially the following kind of articles

  • Reviews of  Howard Hawks movies.
  • His collaborations with John Wayne and Cary Grant.
  • Articles about his screwball comedies.
  • Articles on the man himself.

Basically anything on Howard Hawks will do, the above list was just to get a better idea.  You could contribute to the blogathon, by either  posting an article, sharing any blog you have on Howard Hawks, sharing this with your friends.  And yes here are pictures for the blogathon, that you  could be using in your  blogs to promote it.

h2 h3 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9

And if you are interested  please do  shoot a mail to
  1. Reblogged this on It Rains… You Get Wet and commented:
    Ratnakar, of the Seetimaar-Diary of a Movie Lover, has come up with a fine film figure for a fantastic blogathon: Howard Hawks. May 15-31, 2013. This ought to be grand.

  2. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is on of my favourite films! I look forward to reading about that one especially.

  3. Reblogged this on Paula's Cinema Club and commented:
    Ratnakar has chosen one of my favorite directors, Howard Hawks, for a blogathon May 15-31, 2013. I’ll be writing about THE BIG SLEEP. Will you join us?

  4. CANNOT WAIT!!! YIPES! I signed on for two posts. FUN TIMES!


  5. I’m in! I’ll save To Have and Have Not til then!

  6. I can’t even remember the two choices I originally made. :-/ May have something to do with the fact I was a complete airhead prior to the TCMFF. I’ll choose Gentlemen Prefer Blondes for now. If I think of the other I’ll let you know.

    Great topic/personality/talent!


  7. Hello. My second choice is RIO BRAVO. 😀


  8. So glad you’ve chosen Howard Hawks for a blogathon, can’t wait to read everyone’s piece! Cheers Joey

  9. Great idea for a blogathon! I will email you the post I’d like to submit. Thanks!

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. HOWARD HAWKS – Furious Filmmaker « Furious Cinema
  2. My 13 Favorite Howard Hawks Films | It Rains... You Get Wet
  3. Howard Hawks in his own words | Once upon a screen...
  4. Howard Hawks’ RIO BRAVO | Once upon a screen...
  5. Sydney Pollack Blogathon, July 1-22, 2013 « Seetimaar-Diary of a Movie Lover
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  9. Mike Nichols(Nov 6, 1931- Nov 19,2014)- A Blogathon Tribute. | Seetimaar-Diary of a Movie Lover
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